Living Business is an iPayroll partner and our preferred payroll provider in New Zealand.
Helen, director of Living Business gives her reasons:
As a director in my first business (Quinovic Johnsonville 2005 - 2013) I was introduced to iPayroll when we took on our first employee in 2006. At that time I had very limited knowledge of NZ payroll legislation, but I was well aware that payroll errors are a significant potential liability for any business. I had heard a few stories first hand of where Payroll had gone wrong and it had been expensive to fix - both in correcting records HR implications and penalties.
Starting out with live Helpdesk support meant if there was ever a question in my mind I could just ask.
The other major advantage I appreciated from using iPayroll at that time was the intermediary service. That meant I was not needing to keep track of payments to IRD and I didn't need to worry about potential fines from late payments or incorrect payments.
Payroll legislation in NZ is notoriously complex - even larger organisations can get it wrong. With the potential for things to go wrong, and the potential cost of mistakes, the value of having live support cannot be underestimated. In my opinion it's not an area of a business to choose the cheap option.
Talk to Living Business about iPayroll and receive a cashback* when you transition.